Finance Team
Scheduled Finance Team Counters
We insist that proper procedures are in place and followed to insure the integrity our collections and protect the privacy of our membership. Part of the process is to include two "counters" each week whose functions are to make certain all collected funds are deposited in the bank as well as account for every penny. The current schedule of weekly counters can be found by selecting the Finance Team Counters File.
PayPal is here!
You can now make your financial contributions through PayPal. Please follow this link to the Contribute screen.
Select your Financial Instutite to get started!
Azura Credit Union: Instructions are available on their web site. Additional referecnes can be found here: Bill Pay Setup - Recurring Bill Pay Setup
Corefirst: Instructions are available on their web site. Another reference can be found here: Bill Pay
Capitol Federal Savings: Instructions are available on their web site.