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"Not Anihlated by Darkness"

Our scripture today is from Job chapter 23, verses 1-9 and 16-17 from the Common English Bible.

1 Job answered: 2 Today my complaint is again bitter; my strength is weighed down because of my groaning. 3 Oh, that I could know how to find him— come to his dwelling place; 4 I would lay out my case before him, fill my mouth with arguments, 5 know the words with which he would answer, understand what he would say to me. 6 Would he contend with me through brute force? No, he would surely listen to me. 7 There those who do the right thing can argue with him; I could escape from my judge forever.

8 Look, I go east; he's not there, west, and don't discover him; 9 north in his activity, and I don't grasp him; he turns south, and I don't see. 


16 God has weakened my mind; the Almighty has frightened me. 

17 Still I'm not annihilated by darkness; he has hidden deep darkness from me.



Leader: This is the word of God for a people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.

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