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"Words, Attitudes and Actions"

Our scripture today is from Mark, chapter 7 verses 24-30 from the Common English Bible.

24 Jesus left that place and went into the region of Tyre. He didn't want anyone to know that he had entered a house, but he couldn't hide. 25 In fact, a woman whose young daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit heard about him right away. She came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was Greek, Syrophoenician by birth. She begged Jesus to throw the demon out of her daughter. 27 He responded, "The children have to be fed first. It isn't right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." 28 But she answered, "Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." 29 "Good answer!" he said. "Go on home. The demon has already left your daughter." 30 When she returned to her house, she found the child lying on the bed and the demon gone.

Leader: This is the word of God for a people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.

Our Invitation to Respond (read by liturgist)

       All that we are and all that we have come to us as a gift from God. May our gifts be shared as we continue to live out of God’s love. And, may those we now present to this church empower ministries of healing and hope here and around the world. May lives even ours be transformed.

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